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The Project Owners typically require the utmost level of detail along with the Owner’s Representative.
They anticipate that General Contractors will model and visualize each component of the project.
The likelihood that the project will be completed on schedule, within budget, and according to scope will rise if there is better communication, coordination, and collaboration.
However, the project’s budget and available resources will determine whether it is a success.
Higher-level modeling incurs more time and money, which may reduce the project’s productivity.
Striking a balance between various BIM, Levels of Detail is crucial (LOD).
It is clear that there are many reasons why trades are adding items to the design model. While some trades place elements so they can actively pre-fabricate the pieces, others place elements for the sake of coordination.
These two methods differ from one another.
Since facility managers would mostly use LOD 400 or 500, the challenge is to determine what is actually needed to be modeled at those levels.
The required components/elements to be modeled at LOD 400 can be cherry-picked from the necessary trades and inside the necessary trades. For instance, it makes appropriate to model MEPFP Hanger at LOD 400 and LOD 500. But LOD 300 details are plenty for screws used in electrical switchboards.
LOD 350 is necessary to meet design requirements, work with trades, and plan for installation, including space allocation, by displaying the necessary parts and pieces.
While LOD 400 is a fabrication level, where the content adheres to design specifications, allots space appropriately, and illustrates the components of an assembly.
For instance, if a structural engineer designed and produced models, let’s say, a foundation or roof in LOD 100 to 300 up until the point at which the building document was released. However, they would design and construct the trusses and members for the superstructure, and the steel fabricator would build the actual model with 350 to 400 levels of detail.
Items that would need to be installed would be in accordance with fabrication model LOD 400 so that you can easily click your mouse to finalize the steel sizing and design for the construction materials or check a report and know the status.
Drawbacks of extending LOD 400
At LOD 400, using and modeling components might provide some significant difficulties that must be taken into consideration. The following restrictions apply to LOD 400:
1. Compared to LOD 300, more time and effort was required.
It takes more time than is necessary to conduct research for the families. If suitable LOD 400 families cannot be discovered from third parties, they may need to be created or updated. As it takes time to load families, it becomes quite time-consuming. It typically runs slower and uses more CPU and RAM power. Families must be organized as well; otherwise, trades may waste time seeking for what they need.
Compared to LOD 300 families, LOD 400 families take more time for coordination with fabricators and installers because they do so much less frequently.
2. Workflow issues
The entire study procedure might need to be repeated if any design changes are made to any building components after the initial design. For instance, with LOD 300, the contractor will coordinate size and location once the unit is purchased because the AHUs are typically unknown when construction documents are given. In contrast, LOD 400 has a known unit, which means that the precise size and position are known and may have already been ordered and installed. If AHU changes, it might not work and cost more money to fix the problem. Unexpected conflicts or elements that are not installed according to the design model utilized for manufacture are possible.
Advantages of LOD 400 in Revit
A higher level of detail in the model has some drawbacks because it requires more time and money up front, but overall it speeds up the construction schedule.
1. Unlike many LOD 300 projects, it allows for accurate modeling of the equipment, collisions, and clearance requirements, which will be tested during the design phase rather than the construction phase.
2. The majority of in-field alterations can be avoided when exact equipment or a system is displayed in the precise location desired and agreed upon by the team.
3. As long as components are placed according to the design model’s instructions, the design model can be used for manufacturing, which then becomes the record model without alterations.
Revit Modeling LOD 400
Making a Revit design model up to LOD 400 is a crucial choice for the A/E design team. They work to meet the tight project deadlines and find ways to accelerate the fabrication and installation processes. LOD 400 is used by trades for fabrication and installation operations. Certain structural and MEP components that are represented at LOD 400 avoid collisions and reduce installation costs.
For instance, hanger location can be used for coordination and clash detection, and items like duct, mechanical equipment, hot and chilled water can be depicted at LOD 400.
Utilizing what is readily available is the quickest technique to model at LOD 400. The alternatives include the following suggestions:
1. Get in touch with product producers to ask whether they already have any Revit families set up.
2. To match the criteria, visit the website of a third-party BIM content source.
3. If the element is still undetected, model the remaining elements, which would be the case for only 5% of the elements.
LOD throughout various project workflows
Design-Build Initiatives
LOD 100 to 300 will be produced by the architect and engineer design teams up until Construction Documents (CD) are published.
During the construction phase, LOD 350 to 400 modeling would be carried out by the general contractor or a subcontractor for shop drawings and fabrication models. This modeling would then be incorporated into the final record model that would be delivered to the client.
Assisted Design Projects
LOD 100 to 300 will be produced by the architect and engineer design team until Construction Documents (CD) is published.
The project’s schematic phase will serve as the starting point for the fabrication model and shop drawings, which will relate to LODs 350 to 400, but they won’t be finished until the building phase.
If the components are fitted in accordance with the Fabrication Model, the Fabrication Model is subsequently included into the Design Model. Items that were not placed in accordance with the model will be amended in the design model to produce a record model that is given to the client.
Design-Build Initiatives
LOD 100 to 300 will be produced by the architect and engineer design team until Construction Document (CD) is published.
Until the Construction Document (CD) is published, the MEP trade contractors will produce and distribute their Shop Drawings and Fabrication Models with LOD 350 to 400 details from the Schematic Phase.
If the components are fitted in accordance with the Fabrication Model, the Fabrication Model is subsequently included into the Design Model. Items that were not placed in accordance with the model will be amended in the design model to produce a record model that is given to the client.
Are you looking for modeling services at LODs of 100, 200, 300, 350, 400, and 500 for your design and construction?
To know more about BIM LOD contact the team of experts at Bimpact Designs.