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Constructability Reviews

BIM constructability review

It is a process where BIMPACT aims to highlight and assists as many as possible issues which directly related to practical construction issues, means things are not good for construction and surely requires the solutions before construction begins. Our team is well experienced and equipped to identify such instances beforehand and assists the other stakeholders to reach up to feasible solutions.

  • Problems are identified early in the virtual model and are not ‘missed’ only to be discovered later on site.
  • Review the interface of Various systems.
  • Saves abortive work which helps in saving Cost & Time.
  • Input Inconsistency/Conflicting data
  • Equipment Maintenance space clearance issues

Few Samples of Constructability:



We got the IFC files from all stakeholders and as you can see, all of the services are not properly coordinated and are neither accessible or maintainable. This is a constructability concern; we cannot build in this manner.



Our team carefully examined each service, and we planned the appropriate amount of space for each service to allow for access and maintenance along with the coordination of all services.


Structure BIM

We got the first set of plans for this fast phased project.

We raised the RFI to the client about the contradicting information regarding the door openings in this designated area.


Structure BIM

The structural designer suggested us to change the opening based on the RFI that we shared with them.


mechanical Duct modeling with BIM

The mechanical duct path and the wooden structural truss collided, according to the initial IFC designs. We brought up this issue with the client.


BIM coordination

The client proposed to modify the truss webbings/chords to make space for the duct route.

We Provide Constructability BIM Services for:

Residential Building

BIM Residential building

Commercial Building

BIM Commercial Building

Train Station & Airport

BIM Train Station & Airport


BIM Hospital

Hotels & Resorts

BIM Hotels & Resorts

School & University

BIM School & University

Industrial & Gas Stations

BIM Industrial & Gas Stations

Government Buildings

BIM Government Buildings

Data Centre

BIM Data Centre

Additional Services

ArrowClash Detection

ArrowBOQ/BOM (Bill of Quantities/Bill of Materials)

ArrowBIM Coordination

ArrowValue Engineering & Constructability Reviews

ArrowRevit Family Creation (Content Creation)

ArrowCAD/PDF to BIM Conversions

Software/Collaboration Platforms

Autodesk AutoCad
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk BIM 360
AutoDesk Naviswork
Autodesk Construction Cloud
Autodesk Fabrication
Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D
Autodesk RecapPro

Online Enquiry

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